Truck Accident Leads to Settlement
This client was the victim of a severe accident involving an 18-wheeler truck. This case was recently settled for $350,000, and after fees and medical bills, the net to client was $142,663.
This case is a good reminder for all of us of the true dangers we face on the highway or freeway. This is why at the Law Office of Garcia & Dubove, P.C., we always try to encourage our clients to always be vigilant on the road. These types of accidents can often cause life-long injuries and debilitating pain.
Accidents on the highway are already dangerous given the high rate of speed most vehicles are normally traveling. This, coupled with the limited time for drivers to react to extreme situations, often results in the tragic loss of life or life debilitating injuries.
We Get Results!
If you or a loved one has been the victim of an accident involving a semi-truck, tractor trailer, or 18-wheeler, please know that you can reach out to our office. The Law Office of Garcia & Dubove, P.C., has someone available 24/7 to answer your calls and questions. We feel truly honored to be able to help so many people when they may be going through a very frustrating process.